Friday, July 6, 2012

When There's is No Option

Some people doesn't dwell in the past
because a difficult choice had been made

When choice wasn't even an option

Seeking happiness in the pain was a struggle
to self deceived that you deserved someone better

Telling everyone how strong you are when you are weak beneath

When everything wasn't an option

You tried to live a life without the painful past
Telling yourself to "Let It Go"

Easy to say than to be done!

Worst of all is being humiliated by the one that left you by making it as if It was all your fault for what happened.

Complete Denial Complete Lies..
***Get a life by telling a truth than living in a life of your own made up world with lies***
***Apologize for what you done and Admit for what you had done***

That's how a responsible person should do!!

P.S : To Whom Ever it Concern,
Please identify the truth before speaking the lies..

And those that you lied to, are people that care for you
IF you wanna continue to lie, you are just hurting more people that care and love you

Just like how you hurt and lied to me.
It was you that made the choice to go to another guy
and it was you that let go of me

It was ONLY me that try to retain this relationship and NOT You

To your dearly friend,
You guys are good friends but at the same time is rather a "smart" people for living in lie by your friend
But i wouldn't critic on your wisdom and intelligent because It have been proven :)

May you guys grow Smarter in term of choosing the right and wrong and truth and lie...