Work load increase
I don't know why i feel so fatigue
What have been holding deep under my heart?
Looking through the photos,
the memories that we once had
All seem to fading away in you
Probably the one don't wish to move forward is me alone
I know there's no turning back
Am i happy with what i have?
I don't know
I might be putting a smile on my face
but deep down i felt loneliness accompany me all the while
I been seeking someone to fill up that loneliness
i realize it's not possible
I can't accept anyone new
I lost confidence in myself
I felt its never the same again
I tried to confront you
But everything is pointless
"What is there to talk when we never talk in the past"
How True is that?
I don't know whether losing you in my life was a great impact
I probably been relying on you all these while
Someone that could listen to me and able to disperse my problem into dust
You could have been long away in my life
but do i miss you?
Yes I do
I never able to remove everything i had about you
Even now,
Everything from Day 1 till the last day
Still exist in my database
I felt an indescribable feeling within me
I feel fatigue all the time, walking alone
Parent and Friend could be a listener
but the feeling is so different when it is you
I wish someone could fill in the place
I just need someone who i can speak to without worrying anything
I realize i have self-depression without aware of it
I tend to find way to cheer myself up, but it was only a temporary solution
I still felt loneliness deep under
There's a saying
If you Love someone,
even you let him/her go.
It will return back at some point in life
Why do i miss someone like you?
that i should be hating so much?
The more you love, the more you hate?
At the same time, the more you hate, the more you miss
The greater the pain
If thing could be much more direct and naive
It would be a greater way to over look thing
I'm really Tired
I wish not to move on
But I'm loaded with too much work and due date which i couldn't stop moving on
很多回忆,明知道痛心却还 是无法释怀;
很多放弃,明 知道美好却始终不甘离去;
很多渴望,明知道无用却始终想得到理解 ;
很多事情,明知道结局 却还是想停也停不下
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