This was few days ago before Valentine's Day arrive. . .
Just a flashback memories about it. . .
so that i wouldn't forget it. . .
on 14th Feb, it Valentine's Day and also Jo's bday
it really nice having a partner which hv bday on Valentine
so i bouhght her a Valentine Card
which pretty cool
it look like a certificate card with entitle with The Sexiest Valentine
so i written her name there and signed below for her
kinda like it
it have a black background with some kisses on the side of the card
(will updated the pict next time )
the whole week before it, i was wondering what i could buy for her. . .
Toys she had alot of it which almost occupy her bed
Necklace i gave quite alot
Earring i gave quite alot too recently
i was scratching my head what should i buy
im totally blank about what to get her. . .
Until then i thought of going into Body Shop's shop to get her some stuff from it
therefore i got her some item from there such as facial cleaner, body butter, soap and etc
which hv a flavour of strawberry which i found that quite suitable for her ^^
all in i bought it for $100 over. . .
i thought that would be not enough . . .
therefore after consider alot of time and some friend told me just buy one would be good enough saying "one stone kill two birds"
i feel it kinda stingy to do so or feel kinda weird to do so
end up i start having a headache what to get next
and suddenly an idea blast into my mind that i could get her an anklet instead
since i havent saw her with any anklet before
so i been searching in several places to get her one
and finally after the long hour search i arrive at Jusco Aeon Cheras Selatan, a shop name "Scorpion"
i found a nice anklet to give it to her which hv star in it (i forgot to take the pict ;p)
which costly rough about 50$
i still wonder would that be enough then after walking around the shop for several turn i saw a silver necklace with heart in it
pretty nice for a valentine gift ^^
so i bought it too
all in 140$
wow kinda expensive but worth it. . .
my wallet kinda flat now
almost out of cash . . .
sad sad
and suddenly i thought of something
is to buy her a fruit cake as she love it alot
searching within the mall
there isnt any nice one
end up time close to 3p.m and need to fetch my sis from school
which causes myself to forgot to order cake
really silly me
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~to be continue~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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